The Benefit of the Doubt

I’ve mentioned being wholly Team Locke so this post shouldn’t be a huge surprise. I’ve noticed a pattern in some folks as they’re in that scary building stage: a propensity to jump headlong into conclusions. I want to create a little structure to protect you from that because it’s not who you are and what you’re about (if it was you’d probably be super-annoyed by me all the time and likely unsubscribe pretty quickly).

Here are the top 3 ways I see this show up & suggestions on how to give the be…

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Pacing Yourself

It’s so easy to go full throttle when you get excited about something. I’m the last one to tell you to dampen your enthusiasm… if you’ve know me at all you know my excitability and passion are not the most easily containable. But here’s the deal: we only have so much time and energy. There are 1 million different ways to market your private practice but that doesn’t mean you have to do all of them. I’d so much rather you go deep on a few activities than to spread yourself, and your message, too…

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Using Social Media to Build Your Practice

People often ask me about our social media presence as private practice therapists. Which platforms to use, how often to post, what to post, etc. At least 50% of the time, the person asking then tells me how much they don’t want to use a specific platform, how much they hate social media, how they don’t want to turn their relaxing Facebook time into business. Much like my email list stance, I’m about to say something unpopular: you don’t have to leverage social media to build your business. Yes,…

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