Episode #623: How To Get Callers To Schedule

Having trouble turning calls from potential clients into appointments? Allison explores some of the common mistakes therapists make during these initial calls and offers actionable tips to help you improve your approach and increase conversions. The best part? These tweaks are simple but can make a BIG difference. This episode is also available to stream on our YouTube channel!

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Episode #488: Turning Callers Into Clients

Your phone is finally ringing but most of the callers don’t book an intake. Today’s Ask Allison episode will teach you how to book more from the phone. 

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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. Learn how to fill your practice with the Abundance Party! Join today & get 75% off your first month with promo code PODCAST: https://www.abundancepracticebu…

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Episode #411: Converting More Clients

In today's episode of the podcast, Allison chats with Abundance Community member Kelly about how to convert more clients, including ways to market a niche group practice, the lead magnets that may be most helpful, & revisions to your website that can bring in more interested clients.

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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. For private practice support, join the Abundance Party at https://abund…

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Episode #404: How Can I Better Convert Clients From Phone Calls?

Are you receiving plenty of inquiries but none are turning into clients? Allison shares some advice in today's Ask Allison episode.

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Get full faster with the Abundance Party. Visit https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/abundanceparty & use coupon code WINTER for 40% off your first month. For free resources, including our weekly worksheets, visit https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/links

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Converting Calls Into Clients

Are you getting lots of interest calls but having trouble converting them?

Without hearing your phone calls, I can’t accurately diagnose the problem, but here are the therapist mistakes I see most often that prevent conversions.

Clinicians don’t assume the client is calling to make an appt. They treat it like an information collecting call. They say things like “look at your schedule and call me back if you want to work together.” Think about it like this-- what if you called a dermatologis…

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