Episode #548: Private Practice & Moving
Episode #519: Planning For A Move
In today's episode, Allison chats with Abundance Community member Rae about her plans to move out of state and transition from solo to group practice. They also discuss the potential challenges of adjusting to new policies and work cultures and explore the importance of finding easy systems for business ownership.
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Episode #478: The Easy Way To Move Your Practice
Wanting to move your practice to somewhere else in the state? Find out how on today’s Ask Allison episode of the podcast!
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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. Why put off success? Join the Abundance Party & get 75% off your first month with promo code PODCAST: https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/abundanceparty
Moving in State & Need Help with Transition
Ok, so you’ve done it! You’ve built your dream practice - possibly with the help of the Abundance Party ;). Now, you’re moving to a different part of the state and you’re unsure of how to make the transition. You’re the sole provider and aren’t moving for a new job, just a change in scenery. How do you go about this? What do you do?
I have two words for you: online therapy. You can SLOWLY transition from 100% Place A to 100% Place B or maintain a practice in both.
Maintain your current refer…
Episode #270: Moving Somewhere Within Same State
Moving within the same state & not sure how to transition your practice from Point A to Point B? Tune into this Ask Allison episode of the podcast for Allison's advice.
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Check out our resources page for fast, actionable steps to get you started: /resources-allison-puryear/
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