Episode #596: Thoughts on Alma
Episode #558: Should A Therapist Who Prefers In Person Start Virtually?
Episode #532: Are Companies Like Alma A Good Idea For Private Practice Therapists?
We love a private practice owner who’s building intentionally.
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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets & our Tasky Checklist for getting started in private practice, visit https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. Learn how to fill your practice with the Abundance Party! Join today & get 75% off your first month with promo code PODCAST: https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/…
Episode #498: Virtual Practice
Looking to transition your brick-and-mortar practice into a virtual one? Check out today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast for some of Allison's tips!
Originally aired February 26, 2022.
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- TherapyNotes®: Use promo code Abundant for 2 months free
To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://www.abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. Learn how to fill your practice with the Abundance Party! Join today & get 75% off your first month with promo c…
Episode #442: What Are Your Thoughts On Working For A Large Telehealth Company Before Private Practice?
Curious if working for a large telehealth company would be a good stepping stone to private practice? Allison shares her two cents in this week's Ask Allison episode of the podcast!
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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. For private practice support, join the Abundance Party at https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/abundanceparty. PS: Get 40% off your 1st month with coupon code SPRING.
Episode #418: How Do I Market An Online Practice?
Don't know the best ways to market your online-only practice? Tune into this week's Ask Allison episode of the podcast for some of Allison's advice!
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To check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/links. For private practice support, join the Abundance Party at https://abundancepracticebuilding.com/abundanceparty. PS: Get 40% off your 1st month with coupon code WINTER.
Episode #310: How do I Transition from a "Brick & Mortar" Practice to a Fully Operated Virtual Practice?
Today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast is for all y'all wanting to transition from an in-person practice to a virtual one.
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For free resources, including our weekly worksheets & our 3 Steps for a Full Practice training, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.
Ask Allison Episode #117: Virtual Practice
Many therapists have found that once Covid-19 ends in the US, they want to keep their practices 100% virtual, and that is totally doable. You may have some homework to do if you’re preparing to leave a group practice or want to stay on insurance panels. Get ready to do some soul searching & contract reading as you start to build your online practice. Check what you signed on for with your group practice & what the major insurers in your area will cover once in-person therapy is possible…
Ask Allison Episode #62: Surviving economic collapse, double locks and telehealth from the office, and Sef-Pay Now
In this episode of Ask Allison, Allison discusses a potential economic collapse, double locks and telehealth from home, and what other self-pay therapists are doing now.
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Allison Puryear, LCSW, CEDS of Abundance Practice-Building
Hi! I’m Allison Puryear (rhymes with “career”). If you’ve been within 10 feet of me, you may know that I’m as passionate about practice building as I am about helping my clients change their lives. However, you should know that I di…
Online Play Therapy
In this week's episode, 'Online Play Therapy', we discuss,
- Online therapy is a new option to see your client and their parents interact in the home.
- Computers aren’t foreign things for children.
- What to do with a parent in the room when that’s not the norm.
- Intake with the parent about the nuts and bolts of the platform.
Lisa’s Webinar: Regulating Through the Coronavirus
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