The Smart Way to Talk About Clients

A couple weekends ago, while at my favorite breakfast place with my family, I somehow heard the conversation going on at the table next to me. I say “somehow” because if you’ve ever gone to breakfast with a 1.5 year old, a 4 year old, and a partner you like to talk to in a restaurant that has a line before it opens, you know eavesdropping isn’t an easy thing to do. It appeared that these two people were having some sort of clinical conversation. While I didn’t hear diagnoses, I did hear a ton ab…

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Pathological Continuing Ed and Other Roadblocks

“Pathological” may sound strong. Learning is vital to what we do, after all. Occasionally I work with someone who is using learning to feel good enough. To try to beat back the imposter syndrome. It may start as a desire to feel more competent in order to better serve clients but for some it evolves into a worthiness chasm that they can’t fill. Four degrees and six certifications later, they’re still looking for the next thing to learn in order to be enough.

I see it in practice building, too. I’…

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The Abundance Mindset: It Only Took Me Two Years to Develop It

Danielle Kepler has been a big part of the Abundance Practice-Builders FB Group since its early days. I refer to her Insurance Credentialing & Billing For Mental Health Professionals FB Group at least weekly. This woman KNOWS insurance. I love this blog post because Danielle gets real about feeling competitive, being overly full, and toeing the line of burnout… and how she stopped being an “insecure shit” and embraced a more abundant mindset.  

The Abundance Mindset: It Only Took Me Two Years …

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Giving Others Praise

There’s this house I love that had pigeons living in it. It was a few blocks from my office, this gorgeous, great-bones, hulking house that would be perfect for a bunch of therapists to have practices in. The pigeons had nested inside. The porch was falling apart. I researched who the owners were and fantasized a scenario where I call them, buy the property, fix it up and it serves as an amazing office space for myself and my best therapist buddies, a healing space for clients who feel heard and…

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The Benefit of the Doubt

I’ve mentioned being wholly Team Locke so this post shouldn’t be a huge surprise. I’ve noticed a pattern in some folks as they’re in that scary building stage: a propensity to jump headlong into conclusions. I want to create a little structure to protect you from that because it’s not who you are and what you’re about (if it was you’d probably be super-annoyed by me all the time and likely unsubscribe pretty quickly).

Here are the top 3 ways I see this show up & suggestions on how to give the be…

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The Podcast is Here!!

One thing I love about having a blog is that I get to project all my own stuff on you guys and imagine that you’re going through it, too. You may have noticed a theme lately around mindset, getting through the hard, and showing up and being seen. Normally when I’m writing blogs I’m easily connected to whatever I’m writing about (I’ll share that magic another time). Today, I’m totally unfocused because every time I focus I get crazy butterflies and feel a little nauseated.

This morning The Abunda…

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Fear of Being Seen

I got to consult with Wesley Little in June. She’s a total go-getter. Even while talking about places that she needs help, she comes across as confident. Her website comes across as confident. So I was really excited that she pitched this fear of being seen blog post. We often don’t realize that the part of us that other people see isn’t always reflective of what we feel. Especially when we’re quaking in our boots. As I read the following post, I just kept nodding my head. I’ve sooooo been there…

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Lower The Bar

It was an interesting experience when twice in a 12 hour period I was instructed to “lower the bar.” Those exact words. The first was Nikki Elledge Brown’s new venture Naptime Empires. When I heard those words, tears sprang to my eyes and a sense of being seen and known in combination with a strong “I don’t wanna!!!!” pounded in my chest. It’s something I’d been needing to hear. Then at 5:30 the next morning, my meditation app, Muse, instructed the same thing. “Lower the bar.” Fuck! In case you’…

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Turning Work Off

Remember when you were in school and there was this sense that you could never fully relax until you’d either completed all assignments or it was winter or summer break? Yeah, welcome to entrepreneurship. If you’re like me, your “to do” list is like a mogwai sprayed with water. These seemingly innocent tasks have become multiplying gremlins that interrupt your life. Mid-chew at dinner with the family and BOOM “OMG, I didn’t return that email!.” In that really sweet spot on the cusp of sleep and…

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New Year, New Plan

Let’s do this thing, 2017! Rather than my usual, more verbose post today I’m gonna give you a worksheet. Here’s a little intro though, since you know I can’t hold myself back from writing: Guess what! You can build your business without planning. You don’t need to lay this stuff out. Clients will probably still come, your office rent might get paid. But here’s what I believe is true: you can take a couple hours right now to sit down and plan it and save yourself a ton of stress, te…

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