Episode 245: Changing Theoretical Orientations with Djuna

Feeling like your program hasn't prepared you for your niche? You're not alone! In today's podcast episode, Allison chats with Abundance Party member Djuna & breaks down the steps to take if you feel untrained around your ideal client. 

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Brighter Vision

Learn more about the Party: https://www.abundanceparty.com/ 

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Private Practice Naysayers

Starting your own business brings Devil's Advocates out in force - but creating a private practice can also really amp up the self-doubt and negative self-talk. How do you keep from letting naysayers get stuck in your gears?

As you gain momentum and as you keep building take time to check in with yourself. Are you getting what you want? Does what you're building fit? Are you making choices instead of sacrifices?

What do you want in your practice? Like truly profoundly want. Not what you thin…

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Staying Positive When the Phone Stays Silent

A positive and inquisitive mindset is vital to private practice. When the phone doesn’t ring, it can feel like all that internal naysaying is amplified, and you feel like you’re losing your momentum.

Staying positive is important, but so is effective marketing. My friend, if you have not had any calls in a few months, we have some marketing work to do. And that's ok. This is a fairly easy problem to solve, so before you spend one second more beating yourself up, let’s approach this like a mat…

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Episode # 229: Busting Excuses for Private Practice

The Abundant Practice Podcast


When you've put in a lot of hours working on your networking, your website, and building a therapeutic office space, don't let the hidden sibling of Should and To-Do keep you from getting your practice underway. Not Yet is the silent, sneaky excuse that keeps you thinking you need to tweak your website one more time or go over your outgoing message again just to see if it's ready. You put in the work. You're ready. Join me and Abundance Party member Elizabeth as we beat back the not yet…

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Happy Boss's Day, Allison!

Hey everybody, it’s Megan here with a sneak blog! I wanted to take this space and write a quick piece on National Boss’s Day, Allison, and what Abundance Practice Building means to me. You could say I’m a late bloomer in a lot of ways. I didn’t even really know that was a thing that existed out of teen movies - I always thought that maybe if you didn’t bloom by your high school graduation you were some kind of cactus/potato hybrid, something kinda squat and potentially prickly and that’s all the…

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Guest Post: From Agency to Private Practice – How Private Practice Saved My Career

Recently, as I left the office of my newly opened private practice, I was struck with a realization: despite having worked a thirteen hour day, I was feeling energized. In fact, I realized I had been feeling this way for a few weeks now. It didn’t make sense. I had worked shorter days at my agency and yet felt infinitely more miserable and exhausted. That’s when my internal therapist piped up, reminding me that this was probably something to pay attention to. I want to share my reflections on th…

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How I'm Getting a Life

In last week's blog I talked about how my business had started eating my life. In the last few weeks I’ve felt more like myself than I have in years. In case you need to re-find your non-work self, I’m sharing what’s helped me: A List of All Great Things:

  1. I’m almost to the point where I can leave at 4PM everyday instead of 5. I’ve tried all these hacks for meals (Blue Apron, Terra’s Kitchen, already made meal delivery) and it took me until a couple weeks ago before I was like “wait- why creat…

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Is Your Practice Eating Your Life?

I’ve blogged through miscarriages, and stockpiled enough blogs to last me through a maternity leave. I’ve blogged through sickness and varying degrees of anxiety. I’ve blogged through and about being sued. I’ve blogged through a lot of fear and not-enoughness. I’ve blogged through buying and moving into a new home and sick kids and sick family members. Consistency is one of the most accurate measures of whether or not a business prospers. I get an A+, good for me. And I’m also about to make a ca…

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Loneliness in Private Practice

Y’all may know I’m an outgoing extravert. I love, love, love being with people. Going into business for myself was not exactly the smartest social move I could make, or so I thought as I was planning my first full time practice. I feared I would wither away in my office by myself. I feared the lack of meetings (which I hated) and the few minutes in between sessions chatting with colleagues would wear on me and I’d be like a hermit during work hours. Then I’d come home to a studying husband who m…

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Guest Blog: How to Make Weekly Blogging Ridiculously Easy and Fun

How to Make Weekly Blogging Ridiculously Easy and Fun by Natalie Moore

As private practitioners, we know the benefits of blogging for our practice.

1) It builds our website’s S.E.O., making it easier for our ideal client to find us.

2) It helps clients get to know us, starting the therapeutic relationship before a phone call is even made.

3) We build an audience to connect with over time that we can offer additional services to – should we choose to publish a book, launch an eCourse, etc.

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Due to a website migration, historic links pre-fall 2022 may be broken; please get in touch for new links. Please also note that historic podcast episodes may contain out-of-date information and highlight sponsors that we no longer work with.