Guest Post: Are you Ready for an Assistant

Many of you have had a chance to email or talk with Megan. She has been working as my Executive Assistant for a few months now and has been an absolute game changer. Though she doesn’t work for my clinical practice, one of the things that made her stand out to me was her experience working in large behavioral health systems. She gets therapists! Who better to hire for a business that serves therapists She has taken a ridiculous amount off my plate. Like, things I wasn’t giving over to my previou…

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Parenting and Private Practice

I’ve been asked numerous times to write about balancing parenting and starting a practice. I kept nodding my head and put check marks next to it on my “Blog Post Ideas” doc and skipping over it every time it came time to write.

I've been avoiding this post hard core.

Know why? Shame. Honestly, I was letting my perfectionism dwell in the realm of parenting and feeling completely inadequate all the time. I’d read too much conflicting advice that all seemed to make logical sense. And the “follow …

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Where New Businesses Get Stuck

Where New Businesses Get Stuck


There’s a theme I see in the folks who get stuck on the struggle side of their business. It’s wholeheartedly a mindset struggle. A space of desperation, fear, resignation, helplessness, scarcity.

It usually starts in three ways:
  1. The clinician has a great marketing plan but didn’t have realistic expectations about how quickly they would build.
  2. The clinician brought clients over from another practice but didn’t learn how to bring in new clients.
  3. The clinician …

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Sample Private Practice Schedules

Whether you’re on the front end of starting a private practice or you’re managing a busy caseload, your schedule is a make or break situation. It’s not what you think; your schedule is a make or break for your longevity and happiness, not whether or not clients will come. Clients who really want to see you will make things work.

A part of what we do in the very first meeting of the Abundance Practice-Building Group is talk about what each person wants their schedule to look like. I’m a proponent…

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Pacing Yourself

It’s so easy to go full throttle when you get excited about something. I’m the last one to tell you to dampen your enthusiasm… if you’ve know me at all you know my excitability and passion are not the most easily containable. But here’s the deal: we only have so much time and energy. There are 1 million different ways to market your private practice but that doesn’t mean you have to do all of them. I’d so much rather you go deep on a few activities than to spread yourself, and your message, too…

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I Got Sued (For Something You've Done!)

Y’all are gonna have to bear with me on this one as it’s part blog/part journal. As all this was happening I kept soothing myself with “When I share this others will learn and it’ll keep it from happening to them. That’s why this is happening to me.” I even insisted the gag order be removed before settling because otherwise I just couldn’t make sense of the experience. Ok, let me back up about a few months. During an individual consultation with a practice-building client, my client mentioned th…

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Full Practice, New Problems

When I was in my early 20’s I overheard a strikingly beautiful woman complain about being gorgeous. I had absolutely zero empathy for her (or myself for like, anything). Her statements stuck in my head though and I now feel not just empathy, but awe at her vulnerability. From a more secure, mature perspective, I can totally see how being bikini-model-hot at 20 would make it hard to meet someone who gave a shit about who you were on the inside. It wasn’t a humble brag; she was just stating a fact…

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Getting Clear on Your Why

If there’s one thing I know about practice-building, it’s that it has really hard moments. Usually it’s not the clinical aspects of the job or even the business side of things. Typically it’s our “stuff” that hops up in our faces as we trudge forward. It’s the worry when the phone doesn’t ring (help here). It’s the money stuff we’ve carried for years that makes us stick our heads in the sand and hope the financial side of our business is okay instead of knowing exactly what to expect month to mo…

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Shortcuts to Getting Paperwork Done

Today’s seemingly unsexy topic will actually help you build clientele. Really! Let me explain why. We’ve all been there. Somehow we got behind on your notes. Boring, awful, annoying notes. If you work in an agency, you’re probably VERY familiar with this, but you have some sort of system that makes you get it done by a certain time (audits, standard of care agreements, bosses). If you’re in private practice, though you’re likely seeing fewer people and have more down time, it’s easy to get behin…

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