An SEO Playbook for Private Practice Websites Using WordPress

I’m lucky to have Matt Milloway of Private Practice Launcher as a sometimes-Ashevillain. He’s one of those cool location-independent types who is a major world traveler in a fascinating, non-snooty way. While catching coffee together one day, I watched him light up while talking about how he discovered his love for helping private practice owners create an authentic, effective online presence.  Having helped big corporations develop their online brands, he found the thrill of helping small busin…

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SEO for Therapists using Squarespace

Jeff Guenther of The Practice Academy has been so helpful to many of you in the Abundance Practice Builders Facebook Group (Hop in!) so I was thrilled he agreed to write a post about increasing your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), especially when he wanted to make it specific to Squarespace.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by this stuff. My I-don’t-do-tech brain starts to freak out and tell me I can’t do it. Jeff makes it easy. He breaks it down into manageable steps and show…

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Nuts and Bolts Roundup

I realize a lot of the blogs lately have been pretty mindset heavy. Depending on where you are as you’re building, that may be hitting the spot or missing the mark. It’s been a bit unbalanced from the readers’ end because in the background I’m chugging away at my What to Say When: Scripts and Templates for Counselors in Private Practice ecourse which, as you might guess from the title, is more how-to and less exploration of emotion. Thus, I’m staying balanced by blogging about mindset. For those…

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Real Connection Requires Courage: How to Write Great Copy

Nikki Bonsol is awesome. She's a designer and copywriter who REALLY understands what we do, partly because of her experience working in social services. I'll be honest, I've worked with a copywriter before who really didn't get what we do and it was a huge disappointment and financial mistake. I've been a little leary of copywriters for therapists ever since until I "met" Nikki. Nikki gets that we have professional boundaries. She gets that we need to find that balance of professionalism and aut…

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SEO Fact & Fiction

SEO FACT & FICTION: Getting your private practice website to show up in Google Let me tell you a little bit about James. We met through our mutual friend Joe Sanok who suggested I may be the most excited person alive when I heard about what James is creating. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I wasn’t there & that’s how it happened in my head. See, because of his interview with me, Joe knows I’m in love with networking. James is creating this app called Flow that helps you keep track of …

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This is going to be controversial

Not like sexy-controversial or appalling-controversial, don’t get your hopes up. This is going to be nerdy, business-divisive because I’m going to say the opposite of what a lot of practice-builders encourage you to do. I’m going to start off with: Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I need to get with the times and maybe I’m a little old fashioned. I’m still mulling all of this over and am not quite ready to soapbox this but am ready to ask questions to get you thinking and tell you where I stand 95% of the…

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Do I HAVE to have a website?

I get this question a lot. Like, a lot a lot. The concept of a website sounds great but if you’re not super-comfortable with technology it can be so daunting. I’ve had clinicians in the Abundance Practice-Building Group who have written AMAZING website copy (the words on your website), the kind that makes me want to schedule with them as I edit it. And then it just sits there offline and unread by potential clients because the website stuff is so unknown. I’ve also had group members not write co…

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50+ Blog Post Ideas in 30 Minutes or Less

So, you’re convinced that a blog is a good idea for your practice and you promise to be consistent and provide value. You’re all bought in but drawing a complete blank about what to write. No problem! Get out a sheet of paper or open a blank document and let’s generate 50+ ideas in the next 30 minutes or so. Not all of them will be great, but I keep even my lame ideas because sometimes they spark a good idea later. The trick to this is to not overthink it. For some of you that’s akin to stopping…

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You Need a Blog, A Good Blog

Guess what, you don’t have to be a narcissistic millennial who takes pictures of your food and humble-brags every other post to have a blog. Errr, sorry about that. I just showed my initial bias against blogs.

Here’s an awful, true story that may make you hate me: in the early days of LiveJournal (2001-ish), my then-boyfriend had a blog. I actually got mad at him, like a crying fight, for blogging about missing his deceased grandfather. My problem was that he blogged about it rather than talking …

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What You Learned In Grad School is Ruining Your Website (and 10 ways to fix it)

Boundaries. I LOVE boundaries. If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written about practice-building, you’ll see that I find ways to infuse the importance of healthy, unapologetic boundaries. It’s the cornerstone of what makes a practice flourish. If you don’t have healthy boundaries, your business and your clients are going to stay stuck. What I am about to say may sound contrary to this, but there's a huge distinction between healthy boundaries and rigid boundaries.

Here are the erroneous messages …

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