How to Balance Building Private Practice with Your Other Job
Today's Guest Post is from Bina Bird, of Haslet, TX. Bina's an active member of the Abundance Practice-Building Facebook Group (feel free to hop in for some great community and support) and it has been awesome to watch her transition from a total newbie to private practice, to getting enough clients that it's TOUGH to work full time. I love this blog post because she lays it out simply in nuts and bolts fashion as she's going through it (vs. my version that involves hindsight). Check out her awe…
Surviving the Pre-Licensed Stage: Staying Motivated When You Feel Like Quitting
This month’s guest post is from Seida Hood, MSW. She has been an active member of the Abundance Practice Builders Facebook Group (c'mon in, you're welcome to join) from it’s early stages and has given and gotten lots of great support there. As a pre-licensed therapist, she is in the trenches with the rest of you on the path to get the magical letters after your name after years of work. I love this post because it so beautifully encapsulates the soaring highs and demoralizing lows of early priva…
How to Survive a Networking Event
Here’s the optimistic picture most people create about networking: You’re at a “networking event” in your new favorite outfit, feeling confident, looking great. Your most polished self is ready to dazzle them with your obvious charm, intelligence and sparkling white teeth. People hang on your every word and greedily collect your cards. They have a caseload full of people to send you on Monday. They’re so glad they met you. Here’s the pessimistic picture: You’re at a “networking event.” It feels …
Networking for Fun and Profit (By Focusing on the Fun)
Networking is one of the single most important factors in practice-building. I know it’s not what you want to hear but I’m about to make it easier for you. Here’s the deal: we all know there are sucky therapists out there. We can tell in a single conversation what kind of a space they hold, how well they actually listen, if they seem empathetic, if they off handedly call yo “babe”. I’m going to interrupt myself with this quick story: I was at a dinner sponsored by an Eating Disorder Treatment Ce…
This is going to be controversial
Not like sexy-controversial or appalling-controversial, don’t get your hopes up. This is going to be nerdy, business-divisive because I’m going to say the opposite of what a lot of practice-builders encourage you to do. I’m going to start off with: Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I need to get with the times and maybe I’m a little old fashioned. I’m still mulling all of this over and am not quite ready to soapbox this but am ready to ask questions to get you thinking and tell you where I stand 95% of the…
Marketing Your Practice for Real Life
a.k.a Why I deleted my Social Media Accounts, My Blog, and the Newsletter Sign-Up Form on My Website. A Guest Post by Natalie Moore, MA, MFT Intern
(A note from Allison: Today I'm featuring a guest blog from Natalie Moore. She's a therapist in California who has REALLY done a great job using her voice and being seen. She has been a member of the Abundance Practice-Builders Facebook Group and you may have heard her being interviewed on this episode of the Selling the Couch podcast about networki…
Re-Starting Your Practice When You Move
Adventure! Necessity! Exploration! Education! There are a million great reasons to move some exciting, some heart-breaking. Maybe your practice is in that beautiful, easy place where referrals roll in effortlessly and it pains you to leave it. Maybe you are still in the building stages and are tired at the thought of investing all over again. Fair enough. Here are some things I’ve learned as I’ve ping-ponged across the United States as private practitioner: You are in transition. You know all th…
Why You Desperately Need Diverse Referral Sources
I was chatting with a therapist-friend the other day who told me the story of how his practice went from very few clients to full in the span for a couple months. A local behavioral health agency lost the psychologist who did their testing and boom! my friend’s business blew up. As one of very few psychologists who enjoys testing in his city, he was in a great position to fill the need. Having a niche is awesome. I’ve been worried about him since that conversation. He was no longer working on …
Don't Be A Client Hoarder
Let’s talk a bit about waiting lists, shall we. It’s a pretty exciting thing to be full. If you’re like me when I first got full, at first you may try to cram new clients in to spaces without realizing it displaces current clients. Maybe you loosen your bou…
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