Episode #370: What is the Fastest Path to Replacing One's Agency Income with Private Practice?

Desperate to go full time in private practice but don't want to quit your agency job until you can replace its income? Then be sure to check out this week's Ask Allison episode of the podcast!

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To learn about the Abundance Party & to check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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Episode #348: Do I Start My Practice Before or After Maternity Leave?

Looking to start a family & a private practice? In today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast, Allison explains whether one should hold off on opening a practice until after maternity leave (spoiler alert: nope!).

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To learn about the Abundance Party & to check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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I'm Licensed...Now What?

We received the following question via our Ask Allison submission form: If I am licensed, do I need anything else to start seeing clients besides insurance?

Short answer: So many things. 

The first thing I want to do is remind you that you’re starting a business. A bonafide, real capital B business. I would rather you expect there’s a ton to do than that there’s little, mainly so you won’t be disappointed. 

I want to be clear that the steps you have to take to be a legit business are not ha…

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Episode #334: How Do I Get Over My Fear & Just Start My Private Practice?

Do you want to start a private practice but fear is holding you back? Allison shares her advice on tackling those doubts & getting started in today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast.

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To learn about the Abundance Party & to check out our free resources, including weekly worksheets, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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Episode #329: Leaving a Good Situation

Abundance Community member LaTonya joins Allison in today's podcast to discuss what to do when your current full-time job is pretty great but private practice provides better & how to honor the place & people you appreciate while transitioning out.

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Money Nuts & Bolts: Grab your spot in Linzy Bonham’s FREE 1-hour masterclass, “The 4-Step Framework to Get Your Business Finances Totally in Order” by visiting: https://register.moneyskillsfortherapists.com/abundance
TherapyNotes™: Th…

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Episode #308: I'm Licensed. What Else do I Need to do Before Seeing Clients?


You're finally licensed (woot woot!), so now what do you have to do before you start your private practice? Tune into this week's Ask Allison episode of the podcast for Allison's advice on next steps.

Sponsored by: TherapyNotes™

For free resources, including our weekly worksheets & our 3 Steps for a Full Practice training, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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Nervous About Leaving Agency

We received the following question via our Ask Allison submission form: I have worked for agencies my entire life so this whole process is daunting to me. Any words of wisdom to help me not be nervous would be greatly appreciated.

Look, if you weren’t nervous, I’d be concerned. Not because it’s competitive and you won’t succeed, but because it’s a huge life change. It’s the kind of nervous before you go off to college freshman year. You’re counting on yourself in a new and different way than …

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Episode #304: Episode #304: Where do I Start with Private Practice?

Want to start your private practice but not sure where to even begin? Calm the overwhelm & tune into today's Ask Allison episode of the podcast.

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For free resources, including our weekly worksheets & our 3 Steps for a Full Practice training, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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Episode #298: Transitioning From Agency to Private Practice

Are you beyond tired of agency life & want to make the switch to private practice? Allison guides you through the steps in this week's Ask Allison episode of the podcast. 

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For free resources, including our weekly worksheets & our 3 Steps for a Full Practice training, visit www.abundanceparty.com/free.

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Due to a website migration, historic links pre-fall 2022 may be broken; please get in touch for new links. Please also note that historic podcast episodes may contain out-of-date information and highlight sponsors that we no longer work with.