When You Screw Up

It’s going to happen. You’re going to screw up somehow. You’re going to be well-intentioned but distracted or think you’re making the right choice and realize later that you were way off base. Whether it’s an expensive marketing blunder or double booking clients, you may have a momentary, strong desire to retreat back to an agency. Your inner critic may say something like, “See, I told you you’re not up to this!” Slow your roll. Let’s talk about it. Simplify your organizational systems. I ha…

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Learning to Take Better Care of Yourself

When I was considering who I knew that would be a great example of self-care for our February guest blog post, I immediately thought of Corey Brown. Corey’s a therapist and yoga instructor here in Asheville, we have a ton of common friends, we’ve been in trainings together, I refer clients to her groups and classes, she makes me feel calm anytime I’m in her presence. She definitely has the whole self-care thing coursing through her veins. I made that mistake many of us make where we assume someo…

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The Power of the 30 Second Pause

If your life is like mine, there’s a lot of running around. Get up, get the dog/kid(s) up, do the typical dance of duties with my partner, everybody eats, outside to pee (for the dog, perv), lunches packed, breakfast dishes done, drive to work, work, home from work, walk dog/kid(s)/husband/self, cook dinner, clean up, get kid(s) to bed, laundry, read/watch a show/play a game/chat, bedtime routine, bed. And those are the days without a social life. It’s easy to run from one thing to the next in t…

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