How and When To Be Professional in Private Practice

Part of the allure of having your own practice is creating your own rules: starting and ending your work days when you want, going on vacations without asking permission, getting away from dress codes and bureaucracy.  There are ways in which being overly professional hinders your practice, like with website copy. Sometimes people go a little overboard with their freedom and it can impact their relationships with their clients and their reputation in the community. Here are some guidelines to ke…

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When You Screw Up

It’s going to happen. You’re going to screw up somehow. You’re going to be well-intentioned but distracted or think you’re making the right choice and realize later that you were way off base. Whether it’s an expensive marketing blunder or double booking clients, you may have a momentary, strong desire to retreat back to an agency. Your inner critic may say something like, “See, I told you you’re not up to this!” Slow your roll. Let’s talk about it. Simplify your organizational systems. I ha…

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Learning to Take Better Care of Yourself

When I was considering who I knew that would be a great example of self-care for our February guest blog post, I immediately thought of Corey Brown. Corey’s a therapist and yoga instructor here in Asheville, we have a ton of common friends, we’ve been in trainings together, I refer clients to her groups and classes, she makes me feel calm anytime I’m in her presence. She definitely has the whole self-care thing coursing through her veins. I made that mistake many of us make where we assume someo…

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The 6 Money Mistakes You're Making in Your Practice

It's a little presumptuous of me, isn’t it? Assuming you’re making the same mistakes I did. But here’s what I’ve seen as I’ve helped people build their practices over the last few years: I see patterns. And the money side of private practice often has the most predictable problems. You may remember that January is self-care month here at Abundance. You’re probably no stranger to finances impacting your self-care. Getting your finances straightened out can create so much freedom and let you B R …

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The Power of the 30 Second Pause

If your life is like mine, there’s a lot of running around. Get up, get the dog/kid(s) up, do the typical dance of duties with my partner, everybody eats, outside to pee (for the dog, perv), lunches packed, breakfast dishes done, drive to work, work, home from work, walk dog/kid(s)/husband/self, cook dinner, clean up, get kid(s) to bed, laundry, read/watch a show/play a game/chat, bedtime routine, bed. And those are the days without a social life. It’s easy to run from one thing to the next in t…

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2016: The Year of Not Hustling

So, I hate New Year’s Resolutions. They feel forced. If you want to change something, you should start now instead of waiting for some magical date. (Ok, do you hear that? That’s the hustler in me. I’m fighting her like crazy.) Let’s restart... One of the things I recognized about myself in 2015 is that I have a hustling problem. Too much of my identity is rooted in achievement. It always has been. All the podcasts and books and business instagram accounts and everything talk about “living like …

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Getting Clear on Your Why

If there’s one thing I know about practice-building, it’s that it has really hard moments. Usually it’s not the clinical aspects of the job or even the business side of things. Typically it’s our “stuff” that hops up in our faces as we trudge forward. It’s the worry when the phone doesn’t ring (help here). It’s the money stuff we’ve carried for years that makes us stick our heads in the sand and hope the financial side of our business is okay instead of knowing exactly what to expect month to mo…

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How to Balance Building Private Practice with Your Other Job

Today's Guest Post is from Bina Bird, of Haslet, TX. Bina's an active member of the Abundance Practice-Building Facebook Group (feel free to hop in for some great community and support) and it has been awesome to watch her transition from a total newbie to private practice, to getting enough clients that it's TOUGH to work full time. I love this blog post because she lays it out simply in nuts and bolts fashion as she's going through it (vs. my version that involves hindsight). Check out her awe…

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When You Want to Give Up

You’re going to want to quit. You’re going to call your best friend or your partner or your mom and you’re going to cry, or do your version of not-crying when you should be, and you’re going to say that you can’t do it. You aren’t good enough. No one is referring to you. No one is going to refer to you.

This is all a part of it. If you care, this is inevitable. This is the hard part of starting any kind of business. You’re an entrepreneur now and every retail store owner, coffee shop proprietor, …

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I Get Scared, Too

I'm talking about that deep down, pit of your stomach, failure fear that comes with owning your own business. This week we're going to mix it up a bit. For those that have been around for a while, you're used to me writing. Instead, the always-awesome Keri Nola and I pulled back the practice-building curtain and get real in a video. It's pretty darn vulnerable and it's the "lipstick-free" version of how we feel in our businesses sometimes. OF COURSE we want you to think we've got it all together…

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