The Abundant Practice Podcast & Blog Spot!

When Partners Have Concerns

This suggestion came up in the Facebook Group as a blog topic and it was the first one I wrote about because it’s something I see a lot. I’ve had several conversations with partners of therapists who wanted to join the Abundance Practice-Building Groups but their loved one had some reticence around private practice (and thus the investment in the group).  I think our partners' unfamiliarity with the private practice possibilities, in tandem with the risk, makes for some very fair, very real conc…

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Lessons Learned Launching

So here I am, back from maternity leave and getting all my ducks in a row with both businesses so the content of this post is what’s on my mind. Balance is big for me right now and as you’ll see in this post, I was feeling like a train wreck for part of last year. Here's the story: Let’s start with a guy named Jeff Walker; he’s a brilliant, likable, extremely successful entrepreneur who a bunch of multimillionaire entrepreneurs listen to about how to “launch” their products or services. Being a …

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5 Things I Wish They Told Me In Grad School

Amanda Patterson, LMHC, CAP, NCC is a private practice success story. She has been so successful individually that she's built a successful group private practice.  As a member of the Abundance Practice Builders Facebook Group, she has generously offered support to clinicians new to private practice from her wealth of experience. I totally agree with this blog post; I had no idea what was available to me as a grad student and may have started this process much earlier if I had.  It’s been more t…

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Private Practice & Your Life

Let’s talk about your private practice within the context of your life. Not how to fit your life around this entrepreneurial venture. Not what you have to give up in order to succeed. I hate that shit, as you know. I want to make a few assumptions about you. You are a person with beautiful, amazing, interesting things going on. You have interests beyond counseling. You have reasons you want a more flexible schedule and more money. They don’t have to be grand, but how you want to spend your t…

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Busting Your Niche Hesitations

No matter who I’m working with, no matter what context, be it Group or Free Individual Consultation (yes, that’s a thing, email to get scheduled), I always start with creating a niche. At least 30% of the time the person doesn’t want to go there. Usually they don’t want to limit themselves or they think they’re niching themselves with a population like “women in transition ages 25 to 60.” (Think for a second about the difference in marketing to a 25 year old in a quarter-life crisis and a 60 ye…

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Stop Seeing Your Clients as Victims

This blog post is a long time coming. It all started with a hater. Not a troll, but someone who looked at the surface of a few things I said, made some assumptions about me, fit that into her paradigm about therapy and therapists and let me have it. I’d had my share of haters by that point, but none that invested a ton of time in writing a diatribe of grievances about my character and the evil I was spreading in the world of counseling. At first I felt really misunderstood. I wanted to defend my…

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Keeping it Real When You Start Your Practice

This month's guest post is by Amanda Dutton, MS, LAPC.  Amanda is an active member of the Abundance Practice-Builders Facebook Group (hop in!). When I say active member, I mean she really puts herself out there, supports the hell out of the other folks; she helps make it the incredible community that it is. Amanda's been a part of the Facebook group almost since the beginning and I'm so happy she wrote a post for you guys that exemplifies what I admire most about her: her authenticity. Her encou…

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Using Social Media to Build Your Practice

People often ask me about our social media presence as private practice therapists. Which platforms to use, how often to post, what to post, etc. At least 50% of the time, the person asking then tells me how much they don’t want to use a specific platform, how much they hate social media, how they don’t want to turn their relaxing Facebook time into business. Much like my email list stance, I’m about to say something unpopular: you don’t have to leverage social media to build your business. Yes,…

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Brew Your Practice

I'm taking a few minutes out of my maternity leave (June is sleeping) to tell you about a super-fun and educational get together with Joe Sanok, Jane Carter, me, and hopefully you. Something exciting is brewing…specifically, a possible “Brew Your Practice” event this September, if enough of you express interest! I’m teaming up withJoe Sanok, LPC, NCC of Practice of the Practice and Jane Carter, LPC of the National Association of Counselors in Private Practice for a potential 2-day mini-conferenc…

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When You're Unmotivated

If you're unmotivated in private practice, I’m not going to tell you to get over it. When you’re unmotivated there’s probably a reason. That reason may need to be addressed or it may need to be set aside or it may need to breathe a little. Let’s check in to see what’s going on and what to do about it.

  1. You’re burned out. Totally the #1 reason I hear from the practice-builders I work with. Many are working a job while building their private practice. They’re also doing their best to be a good …

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