The Abundant Practice Podcast & Blog Spot!

Supporting Suicide Survivors With Nate Wagner

When Nate Wagner and I first spoke in 2015 I was struck by his passion for his practice and supporting those who have lost loved ones to suicide. His memoir, Sibling Suicide: Journey from Despair to Hope, tells his story from his perspective as a brother and as a clinician. He is very generously offering the first two chapters for free here (though I suggest you buy the whole thing). Suicide is one of those issues that most of us therapists are very uncomfortable with. With the holiday season, …

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You May Be Working Too Hard

I started out 2016 with a blog post called 2016: The Year of Not Hustling. At the time I wrote that I was in therapy and working really hard to divorce my self-worth from my “achievements”. Like my clients with Anorexia, every time I hit a goal I set another, more intense one. And because I was hitting my mark I was getting positively reinforced for it. Workaholism is real. Obsessive drive is about more than wanting to do what I love, provide for my family, fear of failure. Like most addictive b…

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Why We're All Gryffindors

Harry Potter has been there for me in a way few fictional characters have. When life gets tough and I need a break from the toughness, I need something all consuming to distract me and Harry and crew provide that. Also, in that whole “which 3 fictional characters are you” thing that went around social media a while back, I’m like 25% Hermione and 75% Leslie Knope. (I never posted that because is says “which THREE” and I’m a rule follower, obvi.) Anyway, that’s to say it’s not just Harry and …

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Signs You’re Building The Wrong Practice (and What to Do About It)

Signs You’re Building The Wrong Practice (and What to Do About It)

For those of you who have worked in toxic agencies, do you remember the “Sunday Scaries*?” Laying in bed, dreading the work week. Maybe you didn’t go to brunch or get together with friends on Sundays in order to have enough downtime to bear the next 5 days. It’s places like that that led me to private practice. In my last job, I never knew if I’d be therapizing my clients or my coworker-friends more on any given day. Or if I’d be…

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Math Makes Fee Setting Fun!

Stacey Steinmiller of Authentic Self Counseling has been a part of the Abundance Practice-Builders Group for what feels like forever. She’s been an incredible support for folks and it’s been awesome to watch her practice grow from across the internet. Stacey had an “ah ha” moment around fee setting and I love this perspective as an addition to the many ways we can go about deciding what to charge. Hopefully this is helpful for perspective! Here’s Stacey:

Math Makes Fee Setting Fun

Setting fees…

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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

I was having a conversation with one of my closest friends this week about spending money. She’s someone I lovingly teased when at craft night years ago she showed up with socks to darn and undies to mend instead of the thrift store frame + newly bought modge podge + various purchases for whatever later-unused and objectively ugly thing I probably created. Not that I judge my visually creative pursuits harshly or anything. Anyway, my friend and I were talking about how thriftiness, a concept tha…

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SEO for Therapists using Squarespace

Jeff Guenther of The Practice Academy has been so helpful to many of you in the Abundance Practice Builders Facebook Group (Hop in!) so I was thrilled he agreed to write a post about increasing your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), especially when he wanted to make it specific to Squarespace.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by this stuff. My I-don’t-do-tech brain starts to freak out and tell me I can’t do it. Jeff makes it easy. He breaks it down into manageable steps and show…

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Should You List Your Fees On Your Website

This question has come up a lot in the Facebook Group (hop in!): Should You Post Your Fees on Your Website?  It’s a great question and we’re divided on it as a field so I’ll explain the argument for each side and I’ll give my two cents. Be clear, there’s no right or wrong as long as a client is clear on your fee before your first appointment. So choose whichever side feels like the best fit for you and your business and let us know in the comments. Anti-Fee Posting My business coach hosted a re…

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Work/Life Balance?

My tender-hearted, sweet, funny three year old doesn’t sleep. I mean she DOES, but it’s an all night struggle that involves 3 of the 4 humans in our house and sometime the dog. My 7 month old sleeps a little better; typical for a kid her age who has been sleep-crutched for her entire life. Like many parents of young kids, I haven’t slept through the night in over 8 months except one blissful night. I have an amazing husband. He’s funny and smart and hot and will absolutely hate this paragrap…

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Nuts and Bolts Roundup

I realize a lot of the blogs lately have been pretty mindset heavy. Depending on where you are as you’re building, that may be hitting the spot or missing the mark. It’s been a bit unbalanced from the readers’ end because in the background I’m chugging away at my What to Say When: Scripts and Templates for Counselors in Private Practice ecourse which, as you might guess from the title, is more how-to and less exploration of emotion. Thus, I’m staying balanced by blogging about mindset. For those…

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