The Abundant Practice Podcast & Blog Spot!

Paperwork Crash Course

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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For Consult Monday, we discuss:
  • How to follow the rules without spending all day on notes
  • Pick the central theme for the session and focus on that but include anything that feels clinically relevant.
Too Much Notation VS Too Little:
  • New clinicians usually get OTJ training regarding clinical documentation. Some agencies may want a lot, some agencies may wa…

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Charging Too Much?

So, let’s talk about whether you’re charging too much.   There are two groups here:

  1. The people who have some money stuff to work through that aren’t actually charging too much, but fear they are (cue imposter syndrome, not-enoughness, fear people won’t pay it, etc.) They’re usually in the process of accepting a new fee and it’s uncomfortable but it passes after stating the fee several times and seeing that people aren’t punching you in the face when you say it and many are happy to pay it. De…

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Paying Your Dues?

Raise your hand if you have a strong opinion about whether a new counselor should have to work in an agency before venturing into private practice. Just kidding, we can’t see you.

I have a strong, unpopular opinion. Ready for it?

I’m a fan of starting with the end in mind in business and in personal development. I’m a fan of getting where we want to be sooner rather than later. AND I’m a fan of solid clinical skills. (I feel like I’m on an HGTV episode.... Long awkward pause…) I choose NOT dictati…

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Moving and Private Practice

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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Sue Bates of Sue Bates Counseling

Sue BatesSue has 40 yrs experience as a therapist specializing in Eating Disorders And Relationship Issues.

Sue teaches women how to find peace and power in their life…because Powerful Women = Powerful Girls.

And we still have so much work to do!

For Consult Monday, we discuss:
  • When you relocate do you want to do online therapy with c…

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If You Market It, They Will Come

I see it all the time. People wanting to encourage each other in the FB Groups saying things like “Yes! If you build it, they will come!” My consulting clients say it to me with a hopeful voice, “If I build it, they will come, right?”

Well… not if they can’t find you. Not to be a downer, or to betray my woo-woo side, but your intention to be a private practice therapist is not actually enough to have a successful business. You can manifest like a mofo, but if you have no way of letting potential …

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Managing Responsibilities in Group Practice

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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Jennifer Blogh of Deep Water Counseling

JenJennifer Bloughnifer Blough is a licensed professional counselor, certified compassion fatigue therapist, certified pet loss grief recovery specialist, and the owner of Deepwater Counseling in southeast Michigan. In addition to counseling individuals and couples, she presents compassion fatigue workshops to animal welfare and veterin…

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The Abundance Mindset: It Only Took Me Two Years to Develop It

Danielle Kepler has been a big part of the Abundance Practice-Builders FB Group since its early days. I refer to her Insurance Credentialing & Billing For Mental Health Professionals FB Group at least weekly. This woman KNOWS insurance. I love this blog post because Danielle gets real about feeling competitive, being overly full, and toeing the line of burnout… and how she stopped being an “insecure shit” and embraced a more abundant mindset.  

The Abundance Mindset: It Only Took Me Two Years …

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Online Therapy

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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Jessica Lang of JLang Therapy and Consulting

Jessica LangJessica is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and native California with a sense of adventure. Jessica knew from a young age she  wanted to be a therapist after listening to the radio show Loveline and hearing teens and adults discuss the pain in their life. Jessica attended San Francisco State while co-parenti…

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The Role of Fear in Your Practice

“Feel the fear and do it anyway” is a mantra I’ve lived the last 20 years of my life by. At 19, after my second hospitalization for an eating disorder, depression, and anxiety it finally clicked that my natural reaction to fear (i.e. avoidance), wasn’t necessarily the instinct I should follow. And while eating what was on my plate, putting myself out there, giving less than 100% in school, work, friendships full on terrified me, I realized I would be stuck forever if I didn’t push through.

We kno…

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Standing Out in Your Niche

Abundant Practice Podcast Allison Puryear

Consult Monday

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Maya Benattar of Maya Benattar Counseling and Music Therapy

Maya BenattarMaya Benattar, MA, MT-BC, LCAT is a music therapist and psychotherapist in New York City. She helps overwhelmed and anxious women learn to be gentler with themselves, slow down meaningfully, and connect deeply with their creativity and power. In addition to her therapy practice, M…

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Due to a website migration, historic links pre-fall 2022 may be broken; please get in touch for new links. Please also note that historic podcast episodes may contain out-of-date information and highlight sponsors that we no longer work with.