Finding Out Your Ideal Client is...You!

When we go through school, our internships, and agency work, we start to get an idea of who we do great work with and what clients bring out the best of our clinical skills and flourish because of it. A great fit for you is also a great fit for your client, and great fits lead to healing which, come on, is awesome.

I would say that out of the hundreds or thousand people I’ve talked to about niche, 85% of the time our ideal client is a version of ourselves. My ideal client for therapy resembles t…

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How to Show Up As Yourself In Videos

It took me some time and some work to get comfortable on video - my Vimeo account is just a wasteland of starts and stops, flubbing what I'm saying, or just feeling like it wasn't quite there yet. I have a lot to say on this subject so buckle up.

In the Abundant Practice Builder's Facebook Group I posted one of the first videos I tried to film. My scripts were written, my content was something I was proud of. I was launching a program and I know it was super-helpful too. I borrowed fancy photog…

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Guest Post: From Agency to Private Practice – How Private Practice Saved My Career

Recently, as I left the office of my newly opened private practice, I was struck with a realization: despite having worked a thirteen hour day, I was feeling energized. In fact, I realized I had been feeling this way for a few weeks now. It didn’t make sense. I had worked shorter days at my agency and yet felt infinitely more miserable and exhausted. That’s when my internal therapist piped up, reminding me that this was probably something to pay attention to. I want to share my reflections on th…

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Pathological Continuing Ed and Other Roadblocks

“Pathological” may sound strong. Learning is vital to what we do, after all. Occasionally I work with someone who is using learning to feel good enough. To try to beat back the imposter syndrome. It may start as a desire to feel more competent in order to better serve clients but for some it evolves into a worthiness chasm that they can’t fill. Four degrees and six certifications later, they’re still looking for the next thing to learn in order to be enough.

I see it in practice building, too. I’…

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Private Practice Won't Solve Your Problems

I love private practice. It changed my life. It changed my family’s life. It made me love therapy more than I ever had. It opened up opportunities I never knew were available.


I have also had moments of hating private practice. The weeks without phone calls. The insecurity. The inconsistent income. The many new skills I had to learn.


As a Private Practice Proselytizer, I want people to know that they can have so much of what they want in life through private practice (assuming they want time, fr…

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Paying Your Dues?

Raise your hand if you have a strong opinion about whether a new counselor should have to work in an agency before venturing into private practice. Just kidding, we can’t see you.

I have a strong, unpopular opinion. Ready for it?

I’m a fan of starting with the end in mind in business and in personal development. I’m a fan of getting where we want to be sooner rather than later. AND I’m a fan of solid clinical skills. (I feel like I’m on an HGTV episode.... Long awkward pause…) I choose NOT dictati…

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Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Hello. Welcome to the rest of your life. It’s not what any of us want to accept but, if we keep growing, we are all going to struggle with Imposter Syndrome off and on, forever. Like, I fully expect to be 110 years old and having some doubts about my abilities.

Instead of falling into the shit of it, since it feels awful, I’ve been very curious about it in my life and my consulting clients’ lives. I have some good news for you: Imposter Syndrome is actually a good thing in a num…

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What I Expected vs What Happened: a Guest Post from Lindsay Melka

I am so grateful to have gotten to consult with Lindsay Melka and I’m honored that she is writing for the blog this month. She is brilliant, thoughtful, brave and so honest it sometimes makes my heart ache. You’ll get to hear more about her story (the really hard part where she had to stop working entirely to take care of herself) on the podcast June 5 when we flip the usual podcast structure and talk about some unspoken about things that can happen to us as we build. I know a lot of us learn by…

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Where New Businesses Get Stuck

Where New Businesses Get Stuck


There’s a theme I see in the folks who get stuck on the struggle side of their business. It’s wholeheartedly a mindset struggle. A space of desperation, fear, resignation, helplessness, scarcity.

It usually starts in three ways:
  1. The clinician has a great marketing plan but didn’t have realistic expectations about how quickly they would build.
  2. The clinician brought clients over from another practice but didn’t learn how to bring in new clients.
  3. The clinician …

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Sample Private Practice Schedules

Whether you’re on the front end of starting a private practice or you’re managing a busy caseload, your schedule is a make or break situation. It’s not what you think; your schedule is a make or break for your longevity and happiness, not whether or not clients will come. Clients who really want to see you will make things work.

A part of what we do in the very first meeting of the Abundance Practice-Building Group is talk about what each person wants their schedule to look like. I’m a proponent…

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