Episode #345: Working Class to Premium Fees with Tiffany McLain

In today's episode, Allison chats with Abundant Voices guest Tiffany McLain, MFT, about reconciling access to care & making good money, plus what is & isn’t the work of an individual clinician.

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Money Nuts & Bolts: Grab your spot in Linzy Bonham’s FREE 1-hour masterclass, “The 4-Step Framework to Get Your Business Finances Totally in Order” by visiting: https://register.moneyskillsfortherapists.com/abundance
TherapyNotes™: TherapyNotes™ is the #1 rated EHR system for behavioral he…

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Episode #299: Raising Rates is Scary

Raising your rates can be really scary. Like terrifying. What if your clients push back? What if your caseload decreases as a direct result? Y'all - there are a lot of things that could happen, but "could" is the key word here. If you've determined the fee that works for you in your practice, don't let the could or even the imposter syndrome stop you. Tune in to learn more.  Sponsored by: TherapyNotes™. Brighter Vision. For free resources, including our weekly worksheets & our 3 Steps for a F…

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Is it Time to Raise Your Rates?

A lot of therapists wait to raise their rates at the “right time”, and truthfully it’s always the right time but imposter syndrome always tells us the opposite. So when do you raise your rates?

There are three major milestones you can use to gauge when to raise your fees. And no. Those milestones don’t involve someone dancing on your lawn with a huge sign that says “TIME TO RAISE YOUR FEES”.

The first milestone is when you realize you set your fees without using math. Typically this is when …

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Charging Too Much?

So, let’s talk about whether you’re charging too much.   There are two groups here:

  1. The people who have some money stuff to work through that aren’t actually charging too much, but fear they are (cue imposter syndrome, not-enoughness, fear people won’t pay it, etc.) They’re usually in the process of accepting a new fee and it’s uncomfortable but it passes after stating the fee several times and seeing that people aren’t punching you in the face when you say it and many are happy to pay it. De…

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Math Makes Fee Setting Fun!

Stacey Steinmiller of Authentic Self Counseling has been a part of the Abundance Practice-Builders Group for what feels like forever. She’s been an incredible support for folks and it’s been awesome to watch her practice grow from across the internet. Stacey had an “ah ha” moment around fee setting and I love this perspective as an addition to the many ways we can go about deciding what to charge. Hopefully this is helpful for perspective! Here’s Stacey:

Math Makes Fee Setting Fun

Setting fees…

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Should You List Your Fees On Your Website

This question has come up a lot in the Facebook Group (hop in!): Should You Post Your Fees on Your Website?  It’s a great question and we’re divided on it as a field so I’ll explain the argument for each side and I’ll give my two cents. Be clear, there’s no right or wrong as long as a client is clear on your fee before your first appointment. So choose whichever side feels like the best fit for you and your business and let us know in the comments. Anti-Fee Posting My business coach hosted a re…

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Raising Your Fees Could Make You a Better Clinician

Contrary to the subtle & not-so-subtle messages you got in grad school, having people pay real money for the services you provide doesn’t make you an awful person. In fact, it may make you more effective. I recently raised my fee to $150 per session. It had been $125 per session for 4 years and it felt like time for a raise. Plus I’ve been elbow deep in my own money work and decided to practice what I preach. I had the response you might also have when you raise your rates: fear that no one will…

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