Meet Team Abundance

Meet Allison

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Hi! I’m Allison Puryear (rhymes with “career”). If you’ve been within 10 feet of me, you may know that I’m as passionate about practice-building as I am about helping my clients change their lives. However, you should know that I did not come into private practice easily.

After nearly burning out at toxic agencies, I started a small but growing private practice to remind me that I didn't hate therapy. Then, facing a cross-country move to support my spouses' career, we decided I'd go into private practice full time. By reading marketing books & picking the brains of private practice therapists I knew, I bit the bullet & built a full-time practice in a city considered "saturated" with therapists where I knew no one.

Despite a few moments of panic, I practiced the skills we encourage our clients to use: facing your fears of failure, incompetence in therapy &/or business, & not being liked. Within six months, I was fully booked & effortlessly maintained a full practice for three years. I tweaked my systems as I went so I could be more efficient. I made more money in five months in private practice than I'd ever made in a year working two agency jobs.

Along the way, I helped other healers & therapists build their practices, & after another cross-country job to our now hometown of Asheville, N.C., I started my 3rd private practice in a "saturated market." However, even with a toddler to distract me, my caseload grew faster in Asheville than it did in Seattle despite its reputation as yet another "saturated" market. This success reminded me that it's not rocket science when you have clarity, confidence, & a figured-out formula.

So I started Abundance Practice Building. When the therapists I work with meet their goals, I become even more excited about sharing the practice-building curriculum I've developed.

In the spirit of vulnerability, that thing that I cherish & squirm in the face of, I believe helping others build their practices is my calling, & I'm giddy to share it with you.

Connect with Allison ✨

Abundance Practice Building

“Taking my practice full time is working & I am so deeply grateful to Allison & this group for showing it was possible & giving me such concrete tools, guidance, & inspiration… I know I would not be celebrating this win if I hadn’t found this group. Wishing abundance to you all.”

Abundance Community Member

Abundance Practice Building

“When Allison released [her] eCourse, I immediately invested in it. Since then, I've found it to be an invaluable tool. Think of it like a Rolodex for private practice. If you're thinking about investing in it, please don't think twice about it. Allison truly over-delivers. And the time/money you save in having these templates and scripts right in front of you is so worth it. ”

Abundance Community Member

Abundance Practice Building

“It was really helpful to work with you. I really appreciate your time and expertise. You have such a welcoming and positive presence that it made it a lot of fun too. You opened me up to different ideas that will help me moving forward.”

Abundance Community Member

Meet Team Abundance

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Kim completed an intensive coaching program with Allison a few years ago & has since grown her solo practice into a private-pay group practice serving kids who have experienced discrimination, grief, & loss. 

She’s a great private practice consultant because she’s been there. She struggled with niche at one point. She worried about the viability of private pay in her area & with her ideal clients. She wanted to market confidently but not in a salesy way. She, too, worried about failing & letting her family down. She also knows what’s possible when you put one foot in front of the other with marketing best practices & you listen to the guidance of a team that knows what they’re doing. 

When you work with Kim, there’s space for your fear & there’s also the expectation that while it’s scary, you’ll get the things done that move you toward your goals.

Kim Wheeler Poitevien, LCSW Team Abundance


Lindsay is one of Allison’s former 1:1 consultees from way back in the day, & she’s been a consultant at Abundance for years. At this point, they basically share a consulting brain. 

Lindsay’s private-pay practice focuses on people who are anxious, have low self esteem, & are socially awkward.

She’s a great consultant because she knows what works. She has guided hundreds of therapists to full practices through Party+ & Limitless Practice in her calm, steady way. She’s great at taking your disparate ideas & scattered thoughts & coalescing them into a niche, a plan, & a full practice. 

Lindsay has heard, & felt, pretty much every private practice fear you can experience, & she’s a pro at walking you through those insecurities while also helping you do what needs to be done to fill your practice. 

Lindsay Melka, LPC Team Abundance

Rebecca A. E. Smith, Ph.D. (SHE/HER)

Rebecca is the first person many of our students in Party+ & Limitless Practice speak with. The first thing people notice about Rebecca is her energy— she's the most fun person to be around. She's great at helping therapists think bigger about their life & their practice. She's a master at assessing whether these programs are a good fit for each person she speaks to (& gives great referrals if not).

Rebecca joined our first cohort of Limitless Practice because she was exhausted in her insurance-based practice. She was seeing 35 clients/week & not making enough per session to work any less. She transformed her practice and now sees 22 clients/week and makes significantly more.

She has vacations now. She has down time. She wants to make sure you have access to the same.
Rebecca A. E. Smith, Ph.D.


Leslie spent over a decade in corporate sales & marketing before being poached/hired/saved at Abundance. As our Commercial Director, she’s probably the reason you found Abundance. 

Leslie eats, sleeps, & breathes marketing & design. She geeks out about Inc. articles & can take one look at your website or social, identify what’s not working, & problem solve how to make it work for you. 

She’s brutally honest in the most cheerful, loving way. 

Leslie Springs Team Abundance


Haley is our resident problem solver. She’s your likely point of contact anytime you reach out via email or the HelpDesk. Haley is Allison’s role model for assertiveness & shares the duty of keeping the wheels on this bus with Leslie. She always has the client experience in mind & can predict exactly what questions we’ll get from people (& keeps us less confusing, in general). 

Haley deeply values respect, communication, timeliness, & boundaries. It makes her perfect for her job. 

Haley Clement Team Abundance

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